Daftar Isi
Main game simulasi kehidupan macam The Sims 4 memang asiknya sambil menggunakan cheat; entah untuk sekadar mempermudah kehidupan karaktermu atau justru membuat hidup mereka susah dengan siksaan-siksaan di luar nalar. Nah, Sobat Kutu yang lagi mencari daftar cheat lengkap untuk The Sims 4 baik versi PC maupun di console seperti PS4 maupun Xbox One, nggak perlu bingung lagi, cukup baca saja artikel berikut ini.
Cara Memakai Cheat di The Sims 4
Untuk mengaktifkan cheat di The Sims 4, pertama kamu harus membuka cheat console atau textbox untuk cheat. Di PC dan Mac cheat console bisa dimunculkan dengan menekan Ctrl+Shift+C, sementara pengguna PlayStation dan Xbox bisa membukanya dengan menekan semua tombol pundak (L1-L2-R1-R2/LB-RB-LT-RT). Masukkan kode cheat yang kamu mau lalu tekan Enter.
Cara Mengaktifkan TestingCheats di The Sims 4
Beberapa cheat hanya bisa diakses setelah mode TestingCheat diaktifkan. Gunakan kode berikut di cheat console:
- testingcheats on: Mengaktifkan cheat TestingCheat
- testingcheats true: Mengaktifkan cheat TestingCheat
- testingcheats 1: Mengaktifkan cheat TestingCheat
- testingcheats off: Mematikan cheat TestingCheat
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Cara Memakai Cheat Shift+Click di The Sims 4
Setelah mengaktifkan TestingCheats, objek-objek dan Sim dapat dimanipulasi total dengan dipilih (Click) sambil menekan tombol Shift alias Shift+Click. Untuk pemain Xbox One dan PlayStation 4, kamu bisa melakukannya dengan menekan X+O (PS4) atau A+B (Xbox One).
Cheat Money alias Uang di The Sims 4
- rosebud: 1,000 Simoleons
- kaching: 1,000 Simoleons
- motherlode: 50,000 Simoleons
- freerealestate on: Semua rumah di Neighborhood menjadi gratis
- freerealestate off: Semua rumah di Neighborhood menjadi bayar
- household.autopay_bills true: Mengaktifkan tagihan otomatis di rumah
- household.autopay_bills false: Menghilangkan tagihan otomatis di rumah
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- Money [jumlah uang]: Mengubah jumlah uang yang kamu punya sesuai jumlah yang dimasukkan
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Cheat Tampilan Antarmuka
- headlineeffects on: Memunculkan kristal hijau di atas Sim
- headlineeffects off: Menghilangkan kristal hijau di atas Sim
- fps on: Memunculkan indikator FPS/frame per second
- fps off: Menghilangkan indikator FPS/frame per second
- hovereffects on: Memunculkan efek putih saat memilih Sim
- hovereffects off: Mematikan efek putih saat memilih Sim
- fullscreen: Mengubah ke Fullscreen Mode atau Windowed Mode
Cheat Edit Sim dan Ghost / Hantu
- resetsim [namadepan] [namabelakang]: Me-reset Sim yang tersangkut
- Contoh: resetsim Ricky Habibie
- cas.fulleditmode: Meng-edit total Sim yang dipilih (nama, penampilan, kelamin, Trait, dsb)
- aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Langsung menyelesaikan Aspiration Goal Sim yang dipilih dan memberikan Aspiration Point.
- death.toggle true: Memungkinkan Sim untuk mati
- death.toggle false: Sim tidak akan mati
- sims.add_buff Ghostly: Mengubah Sim menjadi hantu selama 4 jam di game
- stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100: Membunuh vampir (Membutuhkan Vampire Game Pack DLC)
- traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat: Menjadi hantu yang mati karena Overheat/kepanasan (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen: Menjadi hantu yang mati karena Freezing/membeku (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- traits.equip_trait Ghost_Lightning: Menjadi hantu yang mati karena Lightning Strike/tersambar petir (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- traits.equip_trait Poison: Menjadi hantu yang mati karena Poisoned/keracunan (Membutuhkan Jungle Adventure Game Pack DLC)
- traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_SeanceTable: Menjadi hantu dari Seance (Membutuhkan Paranormal Stuff Game Pack DLC)
- traits.equip_trait trait_Guidry: Menjadi hantu Guidry (Membutuhkan Paranormal Stuff Game Pack DLC)
- traits.equip_trait trait_HauntedHouse_Temperance: Menjadi hantu Temperance (Membutuhkan Paranormal Stuff Game Pack DLC)
- traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun: Menjadi vampir terbakar matahari (Membutuhkan Vampire Game Pack DLC)
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- Cheat Shift+Click:
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- Cheat Shift+Click:
Cheat Motive / Kebutuhan Hidup Sim
- sims.give_satisfaction_points [jumlah]: Memberi Satisfaction Point sebanyak angka yang dimasukkan
- Contoh: sims.give_satisfaction_points 500
- sims.fill_all_commodities: Memenuhkan Motive / Kebutuhan semua Sim dalam satu rumah tangga
- fillmotive motive_hunger: Mengisi Hunger / Rasa Lapar
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- fillmotive motive_energy: Mengisi Energy / Energi
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Cheat High School / Sekolah The Sims 4
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- traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_dropout: Dropout/Keluar dari sekolah
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Cheat Build Mode / Rumah
TestingCheats harus aktif.
- bb.showhiddenobjects: Menampilkan barang-barang DEBUG tersembunyi di Buy Mode
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- Cheat Shift+Click:
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Cheat Skill, Career/School, dan Aspiration di The Sims 4
Cheat Skill
TestingCheats harus aktif, dan jika nama Skill “major_” saja tidak berfungsi coba ubah jadi “adultmajor_”.
- stats.set_skill_level [nama Skill] [jumlah level]
- Contoh: stats.set_skill_level skill_bowling 5 (karena Bowling maksimal sampai Level 5 saja)
- Contoh: stats.set_skill_level major_archaeology 7 (karena Archeology bisa maksimal sampai Level 10)
- Contoh: stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_archaeology 7
- Skill Toddler / Bayi:
- Communication: stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_communication [jumlah, 1-5]
- Contoh: stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_communication 5
- Imagination: stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_imagination [jumlah, 1-5]
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- Creativity: stats.set_skill_level skill_child_creativity [jumlah, 1-10]
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- Mental: stats.set_skill_level skill_child_mental [jumlah, 1-10]
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- Social: stats.set_skill_level skill_child_social [jumlah, 1-10]
- Creativity: stats.set_skill_level skill_child_creativity [jumlah, 1-10]
Daftar nama Skill:
- skill_bowling: Bowling, Level 1-5
- skill_dogtraining: Dogtraining, Level 1-5 (Membutuhkan Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack)
- skill_fitness: Fitness, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_acting: Acting, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Get Famous Expansion Pack)
- major_archaeology: Archaeology, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Jungle Adventure Game Pack DLC)
- major_baking: Baking, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- major_bartending: Mixology, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_charisma: Charisma, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_comedy: Comedy, maksimal Level 1-10
- minor_dancing: Dancing, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Get Together Expansion Pack)
- major_djmixing: DJ, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Get Together Expansion Pack)
- major_fabrication: Fabrication, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- major_fishing: Fishing, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_flowerarranging: Flower Arranging, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- major_gardening: Gardening, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_gourmetcooking: Gourmet Cooking, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_guitar: Guitar, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_handiness: Handiness, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_herbalism: Herbalism, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Outdoor Retreat Expansion Pack)
- major_homestyleCooking: Regular Cooking, maksimal Level 1-10
- minor_juicefizzing: Juice Fizzing, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- adultminor_localculture: Selvadoradian Local Culture Skill, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Jungle Adventure Game Pack DLC)
- major_logic: Logic, maksimal Level 1-10
- minor_mediaproduction: Media Production, maksimal Level 1-5 (Membutuhkan Get Famous Expansion Pack)
- major_mischief: Mischief, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_painting: Painting, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_parenting: Parenting, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Parenthood Game Pack DLC)
- major_photography: Photography, maksimal Level 1-5 (Membutuhkan Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- major_piano: Piano, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_pipeorgan: Vampires, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_programming: Programming, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_reaping: Tidak ada fungsinya
- major_researchdebate: Research and Debate Skill, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Discover University Expansion Pack)
- major_robotics: Robotics, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Discover University Expansion Pack)
- major_rockclimbing: Rock Climbing, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Snowy Escape Expansion Pack)
- major_rocketscience: Rocket Science, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_singing: Singing, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
- major_skiing: Skiing, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Snowy Escape Expansion Pack)
- major_snowboarding: Snowboarding, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Snowy Escape Expansion Pack)
- vampirelore: Vampire Lore, maksimal Level 1-15
- major_veterinarian: Veterinarian, maksimal Level 1-10 (Membutuhkan Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack)
- major_videogaming: Video Gaming, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_violin: Violin, maksimal Level 1-10
- major_wellness: Wellness, maksimal Level 1-10 Guide (Membutuhkan Spa Day Game Pack DLC)
- major_writing: Writing, maksimal Level 1-10
Cheat Trait
TestingCheats harus aktif.
- Trait_Active
- Trait_Alluring: dari Love Aspiration
- Trait_Ambitious
- Trait_ArtLover
- Trait_Bookworm
- Trait_Bro
- Trait_Business_Savvy: dari Fortune Aspiration
- Trait_CatLover: (Membutuhkan Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Cheerful
- Trait_Childish
- Trait_ChildofTheOcean: (Membutuhkan Island Living DLC)
- Trait_Clumsy
- Trait_Collector: dari Nature Aspiration
- Trait_CommitmentIssues: dari Noncommittal Trait
- Trait_Creative
- Trait_DanceMachine: (Membutuhkan Get Together Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Dastardly: dari Deviance Aspiration
- Trait_DogLover: (Membutuhkan Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack)
- Trait_EssenceOfFlavor: dari Food Aspiration
- Trait_Evil
- Trait_FamilyOriented
- Trait_FamilySim: dari Family Aspiration
- Trait_Foodie
- Trait_Freegan: (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Geek
- Trait_Genius
- Trait_Gloomy
- Trait_Glutton
- Trait_Good
- Trait_Goofball
- Trait_GreenFiend: (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Gregarious: dari Popularity Aspiration
- Trait_HatesChildren
- Trait_High_Metabolism: dari Athletic Aspiration
- Trait_HomeTurf: dari Location Aspiration
- Trait_HotHeaded
- Trait_Insane: dari Erratic Trait
- Trait_Insider: (Membutuhkan Get Together Expansion Pack)
- Trait_IslandAncestors: dari Child of the Islands (Membutuhkan Island Living Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Jealous
- Trait_Kleptomaniac
- Trait_Lazy
- Trait_Loner
- Trait_LovesOutdoors
- Trait_Maker: (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Materialistic
- Trait_Mean
- Trait_Muser: dari Creativity Aspiration
- Trait_MusicLover
- Trait_Neat
- Trait_Outgoing
- Trait_Paranoid: (Membutuhkan StrangerVille Game Pack DLC)
- Trait_Perfectionist
- Trait_Quick_Learner: dari Knowledge Aspiration
- Trait_RecycleDisciple: (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Romantic
- Trait_SelfAbsorbed: (Membutuhkan Get Famous Expansion Pack)
- Trait_SelfAssured
- Trait_Slob
- Trait_Snob
- Trait_Squeamish: (Membutuhkan Outdoor Retreat Game Pack DLC)
- Trait_Unflirty: (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
- Trait_Vegetarian: (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
Cheat Career dan School
TestingCheats harus aktif.
- careers.promote [nama Career]: Meningkatkan 1 Level pangkat dari Career
- Contoh: careers.promote actor
- Bisa di-copy paste berkali-kali supaya langsung naik pangkat sampai Level 10.
- careers.demote [nama Career]: Menurunkan 1 Level pangkat dari Career
- Contoh: careers.demote actor
- Jika masih Level 1 dan dituruni, maka Sim-mu akan dipecat
- careers.promote gradeschool: Meningkatkan kelas SD
- careers.promote highschool: Meningkatkan kelas SMA
- careers.demote gradeschool: Menurunkan kelas SD
- careers.demote highschool: Menurunkan kelas SMA
- careers.add_career [nama Career]: Memberikan Career baru
- Contoh: careers.add_career actor
- careers.remove_career [nama Career]: Menghapus Career yang dimiliki
- Contoh: careers.remove_career actor
Daftar nama Career:
- actor: Actor/Actress Career (Membutuhkan Get Famous Expansion Pack)
- astronaut: Astronaut Career
- athletic: Athlete Career
- business: Business Career
- civildesigner: Civil Designer Career (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- conservationist: Conservationist Career (Membutuhkan Island Living Expansion Pack)
- criminal: Criminal Career
- adult_critic: Critic Career (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
- culinary: Culinary Career
- detective: Detective Career (Membutuhkan Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- doctor: Doctor Career (Membutuhkan Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- education: Education Career (Membutuhkan Discover University Expansion Pack)
- engineer: Engineer Career (Membutuhkan Discover University Expansion Pack)
- entertainer: Entertainer Career
- adult_freelancer_artist: Freelance Artist
- adult_freelancer_agency_maker: Freelance Maker (Membutuhkan Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack)
- adult_freelancer_agency_programmer: Freelance Programmer
- adult_freelancer_agency_writer: Freelance Writer
- adult_gardener: Gardener Career (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- law: Law Career (Membutuhkan Discover University Expansion Pack)
- military: Military Career
- painter: Painter Career
- activist: Politics Career (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
- corporateworker: Salaryperson Career (Membutuhkan Snowy Escape Expansion Pack)
- adult_active_scientist: Scientist Career (Membutuhkan Get to Work Expansion Pack)
- scout: Scout, untuk anak-anak dan remaja (Membutuhkan Seasons Expansion Pack)
- secretagent: Secret Agent Career
- socialmedia: Social Media Career (Membutuhkan City Living Expansion Pack)
- styleinfluencer: Style Influencer Career (Membutuhkan patch November 2018)
- techguru: Tech Guru Career
- adult_writer: Writer Career
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비아그라 구매방법 비아그라는 처방전이 필요한 약물로 분류되어 있기 때문에, 올바른 절차를 따라 구매해야 합니다. 여기서는 비아그라를 구매하는 올바른 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
비아그라 온라인 구매
온라인에서 비아그라를 구매하는 것은 편리성, 익명성, 비용 절감, 접근성 등의 여러 가지 이유로 인해 많은 사람들이 선택하는 방법입니다.
비아그라 코막힘
비아그라와 관련된 코막힘 현상은 남성들 사이에서 자주 논의되는 주제 중 하나입니다.
남자 강직도 운동
근육 생성 및 강직도 향상을 위한 10가지 필수 남성 근력 운동
고혈압 비아그라 같은 약 복용 시 고려사항
고혈압과 비아그라 복용 시 주의사항과 안전한 사용법
화이자 비아그라 구입
제네릭 대안보다 화이자 비아그라 선택의 이점
강직도 높이는법
강직도를 높이기 위해서는 몇 가지 실천할 수 있는 방법이 있습니다
비아그라 유통기한
비아그라 유통기한의 중요성 이해
레비트라 비아그라 차이
레비트라와 비아그라 어느 것이 적합합니까?
구글 계정 판매
구글 계정 판매, 구글깡통계정 구매, 구글 계정 무한생성 vpn, 구글 깡통 계정 판매, 구글아이디 구매, 구글계정 대량 판매, 구글 계정 거래방법.
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비아그라 2알 먹으면
비아그라 효과 극대화: 2알을 복용해도 안전한가요?
비아그라 제네릭 구매
온라인에서 고품질 비아그라 제네릭을 찾는 최고의 가이드
네이버 아이디 판매
이미 계정 활성화가 되여 있으므로 직접 로그인하고 이용가능합니다.
개인, 비지니스 목적으로 홍보 등을 하는데 도움이 됩니다.
시알리스 구매
시알리스(Cialis)는 비아그라와 유사한 성기능개선제로, 남성의 발기부전 치료에 사용되는 약물입니다. 시알리스의 주요 활성 성분은 타닐라필(타닐라필로)이라는 화합물입니다.
네이버 아이디 판매
네이버 아이디 판매. 네이버 아이디 구매. 네이버아이디매입. 네이버 아이디 판매 가격. 네이버 실명 아이디 구매.
비아그라 코막힘
편안한 호흡: 비아그라 관련 코막힘 관리 요령
비아그라 효과 없는사람
비아그라 효과가 없는 사람: 이유와 대안
비아그라 구매 를 통한 성적 기능 개선은 의사와의 상담을 통해 시작됩니다. 의사 상담을 통해 개인화된 조언을 받고, 안전하고 효과적인 사용을 위한 지침을 따르세요.
30대 비아그라
30대 비아그라로 성 경험 극대화: 복용량 및 타이밍 요령
Very interesting info !Perfect just what I was searching for!
발기 부전 치료제가 혈당을 떨어뜨린다?
발기 부전 치료제와 혈당 수준: 영향과 주의사항
트위터 ID를 구입하기 위한 인기 웹사이트 및 플랫폼
트위터 계정 구매
비아그라(실데나필)를 복용한 후 기대할 수 있는 주요 변화들은 다음과 같습니다:비아그라 복용 후 기
네이버 아이디 판매
이미 계정 활성화가 되여 있으므로 직접 로그인하고 이용가능합니다.
개인, 비지니스 목적으로 홍보 등을 하는데 도움이 됩니다.
비아그라 구매 필요한지 여부를 결정합니다. 여러분의 증상과 의료 기록을 기반으로 비아그라가 적합한지를 평가하게 됩니다.
강직도 영양제
남자 강직도 향상시키는 제안
강직도 올리기
강직도를 향상시키는 몇 가지 일반적인 방법